NCAAA Reviewing Team Commends Najran University - Deputy Rectorship for Develpment and Quality

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null NCAAA Reviewing Team Commends Najran University


21) Commendations form Reviewing Team of National Commission for Assessment and Academic Accreditation (NCAAA) for Najran University:


1.       NU Strategy plan that stems from its Mission

2.       Creating Strategic plan for ensuring Internal Quality

3.       Assurance of Providing facilities and services for female departments

4.       The NU Strategic direction towards Quality

5.       Maintaining university environment  and team work

6.       Availability of indicators for the best practices of annual assessment of courses

7.       Making a good use of international expertise

8.       Strategic use of performance indicators

9.       E-System for Admission and Registration

10.   Holding Orientation Week for Freshmen

11.   Availability of emergency services and primary health care in the NU Hospital

12.   Establishing a library in every college

13.   Following E-learning and distance education

14.   System of Information technology

15.   Close Follow-up of Projects

16.   Providing budget for achieving the mission of the university in scientific research

17.   Granting  scholarship's for its students to purse their studies in national and international universities   

18.   The university efforts in promoting the quality of scientific research

19.   Executing the programs of funding research projects

20.   Providing the excellent research facilities in all NU departments

21.   Disseminating the culture of serving the community in all university units.