Courses - College of Nursing
1. Name of Rapporteur: Nurses of the health of the community
Decision symbol: 424-5
Approved hours: 5 hours
2. Name of rapporteur: Mental and mental health nurse:
Decision symbol: 323 p.m.
Approved hours: 4 hours
3. Name of Rapporteur: Health education:
Code 326. Culture-2.
Approved hours 2
4. Name of Rapporteur: Biostatistics and Epidemiologicals:
It's a 425-hut-2 code.
Approved hours 2
5. Name of Rapporteur: Nursing research methods:
Code 452. Search-2.
Approved hours 2
6. Name of Rapporteur: Graduation project:
Code 456. Project 2.
Approved hours 2
7. Name of Rapporteur: Socio-psychological and cultural changes:
It's 222. Same as 2.
Approved hours 2
رمزه222 نفس-2
الساعات المعتمدة2