Planning and Follow-up Committee



The committee's tasks are as follows:

1. Participate in preparing the annual plan for the development and quality unit at the college according to the scope of specialization.

2. Promote the concept of strategic planning among college members.

3. Follow up on updating the college's mission and programs according to the systems and mechanisms followed.

4. Follow up on achieving the strategic objectives of the programs and college according to the approved models and provide feedback.

5. Follow up on the implementation of the college's strategic plan.

6. Follow up on the implementation of development projects for the university's strategic plan.

7. Follow up on the performance of internal quality systems in the programs and provide the necessary consultations.

8. Qualify the college's internal auditors to conduct internal reviews of quality systems.

9. Internal review of quality systems in the college's academic programs and provide feedback.

10. Coordinate with the Performance Measurement Committee in developing performance indicators.

11. Design follow-up forms for all approved plans that the college units implement.

12. Follow up on improvement plans for all academic and administrative college units based on performance indicators

13. Implementing the work, tasks, responsibilities, plans and achieving the objectives of the committee.

14. Preparing a monthly report on the work of the committee and submitting it to the supervisor of the development and quality unit.