Education and Learning Committee



The committee's tasks are as follows:

1. Follow up and coordinate with quality coordinators in the various programs at the college regarding meeting the requirements of the education and learning standard.

2. Follow up on the development and improvement of academic support and guidance and student services and prepare annual reports for them.

3. Review study plans, program and course descriptions and reports, and comprehensive reports on course reports for academic programs to ensure that they meet the provisions of the unified models of the Education and Learning Unit at the Deanship of Development and Quality.

4. Follow up on the implementation of plans to improve the quality of program performance at the college and their periodic evaluation.

5. Follow up on the preparation of program performance quality indicators reports and program learning outcome indicators reports.

6. Follow up on the preparation of annual reports on student progress rates.

7. Prepare a monthly report on the committee's work and submit it to the supervisor of the Development and Quality Unit.

8. Communicate with the Education and Learning Unit at the Deanship of Development and Quality and provide it with quarterly and annual reports