Public Relations Committee


The committee performs the following tasks:

1. Formulating the executive mechanisms necessary for the committee's work.

2. Implementing the committee's projects related to the college's strategic plan and academic accreditation.

3. Developing the college's website.

4. Supervising and following up on the content of the sub-sites within the college's electronic portal.

5. Adding, modifying and updating activities and news continuously.

6. Working to highlight the college's message and goals by all possible means.

7. Holding media activities and events that highlight the college's role.

8. Preparing and coordinating meetings, events and activities hosted by the college.

9. Coordinating with relevant parties in the university to announce the activities and events carried out by the college through its various committees.

10. Editing media materials for the college's activities and providing the University Media Department with a copy of them after they are approved by the college administration.

11. Monitoring, documenting and preserving the topics and news published in the media and communication about the college.

12. Any other tasks assigned to the committee.